Snap-On Implants® Bayonne, NJ

Our office offers Snap-On Implants, an effective dental solution for patients seeking a secure and removable overdenture option. This treatment involves placing implants that support a custom-made denture, which securely snaps onto the implants, providing stability, functionality, and a natural-looking smile.

Snap-On Implants are ideal for individuals who want an alternative to traditional dentures or fixed bridges. With this treatment, you can enjoy improved comfort and confidence in your smile.

Snap-On Implants are available at Hudson ER Dental in Bayonne and the surrounding area. A consultation can help determine if this option is right for you. Call us today at (201) 620-9574 to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment.

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    Good Candidates for a Snap-On Smile

    A Snap-On Smile covers teeth to give people an attractive, natural-looking smile. This device is a great alternative for people who want to improve their smile but do not want to undergo complex and invasive dental procedures. They are an excellent choice for people with gaps, misaligned, missing, or stained teeth. Anyone with cosmetic removable partial dentures and wants a more comfortable and modern alternative can also benefit from a Snap-On Smile.

    Snap-On Smiles are not right for everyone. People who have the following are not good candidates:

    • Broken teeth
    • Cavities
    • Chipped teeth
    • Gum disease
    • Other oral problems
    • Severely crooked teeth

    “They are an excellent choice for people with gaps, misaligned, missing, or stained teeth.”

    Benefits of Snap-On Smile

    The largest benefit of a Snap-On Smile is a more attractive smile. A smile is often one of the first things people notice in others. For those with missing or chipped teeth, fillings, or discoloration, smiling can be something they avoid or hide. A Snap-On Smile can give people an open, friendly smile that positively affects their personal and professional life.

    Another benefit of this device is that it is a non-invasive procedure. While other treatment alternatives involve removing the enamel, Snap-On Smiles fit over natural teeth without the need for alteration. Multiple orthodontic treatments can take years to complete. They can produce dramatic results in as little as two appointments.

    ” A Snap-On Smile can give people an open, friendly smile that positively affects their personal and professional life.”

    What To Expect When Receiving A Snap-On Smile

    Before treatment can begin, people must have an initial examination to determine whether they are a viable candidate. If they are a good candidate, we will take an impression of the patient’s teeth and color match their teeth. Then we will send the impressions to a lab where technicians will spend several days creating molds and perfecting a custom-fit appliance

    The process of creating a customized Snap-On Smile can take up to three weeks. Once completed, the patient will return for a fitting of the final piece. During this visit, we will make any necessary adjustments for an optimal fit. Once the patient is satisfied with the feel and fit, they can wear their Snap-On Smile home.

    “The process of creating a customized Snap-On Smile can take up to three weeks.”

    Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Snap-On Smile in Bayonne, NJ

    Lifestyle Changes for Long-Term Maintenance

    With proper care and maintenance, a Snap-On Smile should last several years. We recommend removing the device at night and storing it in a protective case. Wearers will have to adjust their diet. They should avoid food and drinks that can stain, including beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine and food such as blueberries.

    It is also best to avoid sticky, chewy foods, including ice, and biting hard objects. Although a Snap-On Smile consists of a sturdy resin, it can crack if sufficient force is applied. A Snap-On Smile wearer should clean their device after every time they remove it. Soaking the device and gently brushing it will remove debris and bacteria so that people can maintain healthy smiles.

    “With proper care and maintenance, a Snap-On Smile should last several years.”

    Caring for Snap-On Smile

    Caring for a Snap-On Smile is easy with the help of Snap-On Smile’s unique cleaning solution. Patients should use this cleanser daily. A 15-minute soak in the solution helps remove stains such as tea and coffee, as well as plaque buildup. The American Dental Association also recommends that people avoid using toothpaste or household cleaners to clean their removable appliances. Toothpaste can be abrasive and damage the polish.

    It is also important to thoroughly rinse the appliance to remove any food particles. Patients should handle their device carefully to avoid chipping and breaking dental appliances. Fill the sink with water and place a folded towel over the edges while cleaning. These precautions offer a dropped device a soft place to land.

    “Caring for a Snap-On Smile is easy with the help of Snap-On Smile’s unique cleaning solution.”

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Does receiving a Snap-On Smile hurt?

    A. This procedure should not cause any pain. There is no drilling needed and no pain in receiving a Snap-On Smile. This procedure is non-invasive since we place the device over a patient’s natural teeth.

    Q. Will a Snap-On Smile damage my natural teeth?

    A. A Snap-On Smile fits securely over the teeth. The device snaps into place without the need for adhesive. There is no damage done to natural teeth.

    Q. Is Snap-On Smile the same as veneers?

    A. The purpose is the same, which is covering stained or missing teeth. However, veneers typically require the natural teeth to be filed down. Snap-On Smile does not require this type of preparation.

    Q. Will it become stained?

    A. Snap-On Smile is stain-resistant. However, certain foods and drinks can discolor it over time. Patients should avoid foods, beverages, and smoking to prevent discoloration.

    Q. Does my insurance cover this appliance?

    A. Snap-On Smile is a cosmetic solution. Because it does not directly affect a patient’s health, most insurance providers do not cover this treatment. People who are interested in this treatment should contact their insurance provider for more information.

    Quality Dental Services Can Transform Your Smile

    By visiting us as soon as possible, our team can help get you the professional treatment you need. Instead of waiting around and allowing the symptoms to get worse, we can provide you with treatment options.

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    Cosmetic Dentistry Terminology

    Anti-Bacteria Gel
    Anti-bacterial gel typically contains alcohol and other chemicals that will help to kill bacteria and germs that it comes into contact with.
    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
    Crown Lengthening
    Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that increases the extent of a tooth structure for restorative or esthetic purposes.
    Dental Crown
    A crown is an artificial tooth, usually consisting of porcelain, which covers the top of the implant to provide people with an aesthetically pleasing and fully-functional tooth.
    A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
    Dental Impression
    A dental impression is a negative imprint of the teeth and soft tissue in the mouth to help create a cast or mold to restore/correct the patient’s teeth.
    Non-Invasive Dental Procedure
    Non-Invasive Dental Procedures include procedures such as fillings, root canal therapy, crowns, bridges or dentures to help repair one’s teeth.

    Call Us Today

    Snap-On Smile treatment can enhance the appearance of teeth so you can smile confidently. Our team at Hudson ER Dental can help. Call us today at 201-620-9574 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

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    • We serve patients from the following counties: Hudson County
    • We serve patients from the following cities: Bayonne, Newark, Carteret, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Jersey City
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